Thought That Counts

because heavy is the head that wears the crown

Old is new again!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Remember the saying "Old is gold, and cannot be sold"? That old pillow, those old shoes. The old tweed jacket, the old scottish cap. The smell of old wood, and the old books. Old friends, old memories. They all really do seem like gold when you look at them at the end of the day. They are the reason you are who you are. They have made you who you are! Its beautiful nostalgia that comes through like a soft glow through the beige curtains, highlighting the little specks of dust as they shine like stars, and finally hitting that maroon couch.

There's something about the feeling of familiarity that you get when you see something again after a very long time. One memory links to the other, and slowly you're back where you started from. It puts a gentle trickle of a smile on your lips, which you brush off as a memory. But if look closer, its actually the consequence of that memory which makes you smile. The mind remembers good and bad things alike, but it learns to laugh at the smaller, useless things in life.

Growing is not a verb. Maturing is not a verb. They are not somethings you can consciously grow. Your memories, and everything behind you makes you who you actually are. Thats why they say, "One who controls the past, controls the future. One who controls the present, controls the past...". Your present is a result of your past, and hence you shouldn't waste it idling. Look at what you've left behind you. Recognise the good from the bad, and let the bad ones go. Thats the only way you'll have something to smile about as you walk ahead.


"... Its beautiful nostalgia that comes through like a soft glow through the beige curtains, highlighting the little specks of dust as they shine like stars, and finally hitting that maroon couch."

mmmm..such a pretty description! a beautiful post.. very articulately expressed.. i'll lookin out for more like these :)

By Blogger Shikha Choudhury, at 6:43 AM  

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